Saturday, March 9, 2013


In my interest in cosmetics, have stumbled in several sites online that reads: "Know your lipstick personality", "What your lipsticks say about you" and much more. To my curiosity, i have clicked several links and discovered this as interesting.

They say that a woman's personality can be reflected through her lipstick. Well, not just in the shade she uses (that's another story), but, on how she uses one.

First, choose the shape of your lipstick from the photo below:

Now, read along and see how accurate these viral personality tests for makeup enthusiasts are:

How: This is the most commonly seen lipstick shape of almost every woman.
Personality: Confident, ambitious, and meticulous. You set your sights on a trail-blazing career at a very young age and never looked back. Nothing bends on the path to your success, not even your lipstick. The bullet’s original shape stays clean and sharp because your pout always applies a firm and even pressure.
-Makeup Mantra: "I only wear the best"


How: This shape of lipstick is usually achieved using the lipstick brushes.
Personality: Creative, fearless, and adventurous. Non-conformity is your second nature. And just like this whistle-shaped bullet, you refuse to play by any beauty rules.
Makeup Mantra: "Try everything once."


How: Firm glides of the sharpest edge of the l/s to have a more precise coverage
Personality: Eloquent, reliable, and trustworthy. The flat-shape of your tube reflects your down-to-earth personality. You surround yourself with great friends with no room for drama!
Makeup Mantra: "If it looks good, why change?"


How: Firmly pressed direct lipstick application. May or may not been from lipstick brush.
Personality: Creative, enthusiastic and energetic. That's how you are. Your talkative nature is very advantageous as it seeks attention you are fond of having. You fall in love easily.
Makeup Matra: "I'm a diva. Inside and Out"


How: It can be achieved using lipstick brushes or when you always apply too much pressure on your lips
Personality: Passionate, sensitive, and shy. A die-hard Jane Austen lover, you crave fairy-tale romance like no other. You've sculpted a concave shape from firm lip pressure in the center of your pucker—just where your Prince Charming would plant the ultimate kiss.
Makeup Mantra: "Transform me."

There you have it. I'm the executive and I can't help but wondering what your personality is.

And ohhhh! before i forget, lipstick photos and the result itself are based from

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